Friday, December 5, 2008

A few evenings ago, I was sitting with the DH, Love of My Life in the snuggly chair. I was knitting away and we were watching a movie, I think it was The Rock. Anyway, the point is, it was absolute bliss. We were both home together. We were sitting together. I'm making a sincere concerted effort to document that memory into my brain where I won't loose it. At some point during the evening, my sweet DH said something about us being ComKnitted to each other. It just struck such a chord in my heart that I had to catch my breath. We are. We really are. We've been married a long time. We've been through a lot together. He's my best friend. I'm not only sure that we are Knitted together, I think we might even be Felted, or at least Fulled together. Frogging us apart would be akin to frogging out a very intricately patterned mohair. It might be possible to get it apart, but the yarn would never be the same.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What is knitting anyway?

Main Entry: knit
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: intertwine
Synonyms: affiliate, affix, ally, bind, cable, connect, contract, crochet, fasten, heal, interlace, intermingle, join, link, loop, mend, net, purl, repair, secure, sew, spin, tie, unite, weave, web
Antonyms: unknit