Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Floral Overload

Out there in the blogosphere, there's a BOHEMIAN SAN FRANCISCO GIRL that has caused quite a sensation with her over-the-top floral inspired decor.
In the interest of giving sound advise to the single women out there, let me just tell you that this indulgent pinkness is not the way to attract or keep a male cohabitating with you.
Read up on the Feng Shui ladies.  This decor style will kill your love life.
On the other hand, if you're a mother of a 20 year old college coed, this is what you want to see in her room.
And, I'm sure many middle-school girls would love to replicate this look in their rooms.

I made a deal early on with my DH that the floral prints would be severly limited in our home.  On the other side of the coin, so are the mounted hunting trophies and motor parts.

Just Sayin, ...