Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Not Looking forward to Shearing Season

I know that as an addicted knitter and committed spinner, I should be really looking forward to the time of sheep shearing.  Even if we do only have two (yes, just 2) sheep.
But, last year, honestly, it was almost a marriage counseling disaster.  DH does not see sheep as his responsibility at all.  He didn't want them, but he gets stuck with way too much of their upkeep.
And, in reality, I haven't actually spun yarn from them in the three years and 2 shearings that we've had them.

Yep, I admit it, I own sheep, and I can't even successfully spin wool into yarn.

Our (MY) sheep aren't tame little pets that hold still and appreciate shearing the way the sheep in the books do.  Have you ever noticed that the sheep in books don't move?  It's those photographs, not nearly as much information in them as in a good video.
Our (MY) sheep aren't clean, pampered little princesses.  They must really work at it all year to collect all the dirt, sticktights and cockleburrs that they can find.
Our (MY) sheep must have seen the G-Force movie where the Mice? yell:  Poop in his hand!  They seem to have good timing as well as good aim.

So, last year's shearing in the back yard of two sheep took 4 people and two evenings after work to accomplish.  Feet were stomped on, sometimes by the sheep.  One, maybe two, sons got dragged around the orchard and ruined jeans.  It was dirty, messy, and hot.  The borrowed shears kept overheating.  There's more short or second cuts in those bags than usable lengths.  Right after the shearing, my determination to get it all spun up was strong.  But the spinning wheel was not cooperating.
So, the "fleeces" still sit in black plastic trash bags in the garage...........

If it comes down to it, "Yes, I do want to stay married more than I want to have sheep".

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